
Silver Companies has always been committed to making a positive impact in the communities in which we serve by being charitable to children in need, elderly who have no other means, those suffering from illness who have nowhere to turn, and families who need it most. Over the years our contributions have created opportunities so people can live better lives, and our donations have often gone without fanfare or recognition.

“As far as helping people from a charitable point of view, that’s something we believe in. That’s what we do. We practice that. We always have practiced that.”

– Carl D. Silver, Founder 1925-2011

Rabbi Josh Broide

Director of Silver Foundation

Rabbi Josh Broide has been at the forefront of the nonprofit world, pioneering award-winning initiatives that have redefined Jewish engagement and community building. Currently, he serves as the Director of both the Silver Foundation and the Deborah and Larry D. Silver Center for Jewish Engagement, a division of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. In these key leadership roles, Rabbi Broide strategically develops and oversees programs that enrich Jewish life, empower emerging leaders, and strengthen philanthropic investment in Jewish learning and continuity. Under his guidance, the Silver Foundation’s innovative grants and engagement strategies continue to transform communities.

Rabbi Josh Broide
Silver Foundation Logo

Silver Foundation Proudly Contributes

to the Following Organizations:

Deborah & Larry D. Silver Center for Jewish Engagement

The Deborah & Larry D. Silver Center for Jewish Engagement (CJE), a division of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, FL, is a major initiative developed to reach deeper into the local Jewish community to connect Jewish residents to Jewish life and to each other. The initiative builds on the Jewish Federation’s long-time efforts to connect Jewish neighbors to each other, to synagogues, to agencies and organizations, and to elements of Federation that align with their individual interests and concerns. The CJE’s groundbreaking successes include ongoing partnerships and friendships among local rabbis and congregations, agency and Jewish community leaders, and residents. Recognized throughout North America and beyond as a unique model that should be replicated widely, the Jewish community of South Palm Beach County was awarded the annual Jerusalem Unity Prize in June 2018, at the residence of Israel’s President, Reuven Rivlin.

Loisann’s Hope House

Loisann’s Hope House

As a major sponsor and ongoing supporter of Loisann’s Hope House, The Silver Foundation is dedicated to helping serve homeless families in the Fredericksburg, VA region. Loisann’s Hope House is designed to improve the quality of life for families by helping them move from homelessness to permanent housing and is the first and largest family shelter in the Fredericksburg area today. Named in memory of Loisann Silver Chacon, daughter of Maxine & Carl D. Silver and sister of Deborah & Larry D. Silver, Loisann was a compassionate social worker who began her life in Fredericksburg and dedicated her career to working with mentally ill patients, young people who were homeless, abused children, and people trying to find their way.

Maxine and Carl D. Silver Chabad House

Silver Foundation built a multimillion-dollar project for the Chabad Jewish student organization on the campus of University of Mary Washington in 2020. The 9,800-square-foot student center was named The Maxine and Carl D. Silver Chabad House, in honor of Larry Silver’s parents. This two-story building, designed to match UMW’s Jeffersonian architecture, was developed to help grow and sustain a Jewish community on campus and increase multiculturalism in Fredericksburg.

Maxine & Carl D Silver Hillel Center
Maxine's Miracles Logo

Maxine’s Miracles

Maxine’s Miracles, sponsored by Silver Foundation in memory of Maxine Silver, has been donating gifts every holiday season to those in need. For the past 25 years, Silver Foundation has donated toys, toiletries, and essentials, benefiting 5,000 children and elderly residents in the greater Fredericksburg, VA area. In memory of the recent passing of Maxine Silver, the donation has now been named Maxine’s Holiday Miracles. Gifts are distributed to 300+ individuals each year from organizations including Loisann’s Hope House, (named in memory of Loisann Silver Chacon, daughter of Maxine Silver), Rappahannock Big Brothers Big Sisters, Stafford County Department of Social Services, Rappahannock Department of Social Services, Caroline County Department of Social Services, and Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging.

Carl D. Silver Health Center

Major donor to the Carl D. Silver Health Center to house the Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic, in Fredericksburg, Virginia to provide primary healthcare services to those unable to pay for private medical care. As part of a non-profit health council, the Moss Free Clinic’s mission is to: “Improve the health and wellness of low-income, uninsured people through quality healthcare delivered in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.”

Silver Theater

Silver Theater

Donated the Silver Theater, a frequently used and major part of camp life at Victory Junction, a year-round camping facility designed for children with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses with no cost for their families. Located in Randleman, NC, Victory Junction was started by the Petty family in honor of their son & grandson, Adam Petty, who died racing as a NASCAR driver following in the footsteps of his father, Kyle Petty, his grandfather, Richard Petty, and his great-grandfather and NASCAR pioneer, Lee Petty. Victory Junction is part of the Paul Newman gang camps.